Precious Metals

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Silver and Gold

Silver to line and gold to lift,

My vision surrounded by the preciousness we so crave.

Those shining jewels are encased in these;

These sought after tones.

Precious me,

Gift wrapped,

Encased in these;

These sought after tones of grey and yellow.

Everything will wither and die

But gold and silver will watch and listen

to the end of it all, that last, twitching exhale.

About EEL

I'm currently a senior in University and done this Spring. I am a Creative Writing major, and to read and write poetry, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and anything along those lines.

5 responses »

  1. I’m so excited about this theme! Not just because I suck at make-up and enjoy enviously admiring the wonderful scenes that other girls are able to create, but because they will be accompanied by poems. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect, but this post left me with very high hopes; a reminder that make-up is art, and can be inspired by almost anything, leaving ample room for poetic interpretation alongside a stunning visual. Can’t wait to see what else you come up with!

  2. i can’t wait to see more pictures! your poems are fun to read, and it’s awesome that they are so easy to understand in terms of what your are doing makeup-wise. i love fun makeup too, bright, bold colors and sparkling glitters. it’s such a great method of expression. there are infinite ways to wear makeup, and anything can be makeup. it’s a whole artistic medium of its own. winter is always the time i do the whole makeover thing and buy new makeup, so i just spent a lot of money on eyeliner and lip products. i have to stop myself from buying more. it’s hard cuz makeup is so much fun!

  3. Beautiful again. Both the makeup and the poem.

    You sparkle straight through the screen!

  4. “silver to line and gold to lift..” such wonderful rhythm and intriguing images.
    The “twitching exhale” of the end is also quite evocative.

    Your poems make me crave more about you, about eyes, about make-up, about famous women and their eye makeup: you’ve got such authority with this, and I wonder if you MIGHT consider varying the poem pattern and having the occassional prose aside?

  5. Girl, You Shine!!


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