Final Posting

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For my class I’ve been editing and writing old and new posts, poems, fiction, and nonfiction.  All of these have to do with memories, and the senses connected to those memories.  This will be my last post for class, and it may take me a bit to get back in the swing of posting once this class is over–just a heads up!  But I hope you all like this post.  It is long, with different pieces within it.  Let me know if it’s at all confusing and I will fix it promptly.



Seeing, seeing me.

Showing the world my face,

Not hiding a blotch,

A spot,

A blemish.

Just the zig zags of black,

The feathers around the orbs of my mind,

Protection against the pollutants in my world.

Skin, teeth, flaws, physicality all there.

Walk through the door to my conscience,

But you overlook me.

The one you won’t comprehend.

See me bare,

See me naked.

I’ll show it to you, if you show it to me.



Mistletoe and Holly

Green and red make the holidays that’s what’s said, but for me it’s a little different. It’s the smells: baking treats, cinnamon and clove, cat’s fur, family’s perfumes. I like the gifts, sure, but there’s something about the music, the snow, the air, that make everyone want to get together, be with family.

It was Christmas, once.  One time, specifically, for me, it was.  I was seven.  My whole family was around me, even Grammy who would die the next summer.  My mom bought my sister and I little, baby perfumes–the kind you spray on your dolls, except I didn’t like dolls.  Still don’t.  My sister and I got the same exact package–six little bottles with pastel colored caps marking which was which scent.  I remember the rose and lavender colors were my favorite.  They smelled like babies.  Those were my first makeup.  To me, these perfumes were the gateway drug of makeup.  I began collecting scents.  First the little plastic Calgene bottles at Rite Aid, then Bath and Body works.  Then real perfume. I would ask for it for Christmas.  I have more scents than anyone I know.  And more makeup than anyone I know, except professionals.  Although I don’t know any professionals, so the statement stands.  My sister stuck with Bath and Body Works.  I’m a little bit more sophisticated, so I’ve moved on to bigger and better (more expensive) things.


The Beginning


In the beginning, there was the


The one word my mother would say all the time.

Yes you can, yes you will, sure, of course. Rarely was the word “no” uttered in our home.

One time, I used all the hot water for my bath. ”No, Erin! Get out of the tub!” That was one of the only times I heard that word.

I didn’t take it for granted, I promise. When I told Mom during Freshman year of high school “I want to be a poet”, she replied with “Yes, Erin. Whatever makes you happy.”

The drama and distractions of high school ensued just after that declaration. Poetry was thrown to the back of my mind. I focused on my painting, drawing, and pottery, realizing I needed some sort of creative outlet or I would go insane. Well, at least more insane that I already was.

Then, in college, I decided to pursue my Creative Writing degree after realizing I couldn’t cut it in the art department. I felt a lack of creative juices driving me mad, very, very slowly. I turned to makeup, a friend I’d always been denied before college. This was the one “no” I’d ever been given. “No, Erin, you can’t wear makeup until you’re eighteen.”

It was like art on my face, that I could show everyone whenever I wanted. I loved being able to mix colors and see how they look on my face, with certain clothes, hair styles. It sated my need for creation, kept me going. Creation was still possible, even though not in the way I’d thought.

Then, I took Introduction to Poetry with Oliver. It was the best class I’d taken in college, revealing a whole new world of writing and creation I’d never known before.

Poetry was open to me again and now I couldn’t leave it alone. Yes, I could be who I wanted to be again. Yes, I could be anyone.

There was no one who could tell me who to be, and that’s the way my mother wanted it.

My mother would always say, “yes, you can be that person”.

I  would always hear that one word.



Still Seeing You

I’m still seeing your face on my pillow,

Seeing your shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath.

Your velvet skin disrupting my thoughts,

Your closed eyes flickering across my memory.

There was never much I could do to keep you

But you always stayed anyways.

Now you’re gone without a word.

And I’m left with the memory of your smell, your touch,

But mostly the way you looked lying next to me.

My magenta sheets are molded to your body still.

I don’t sleep on the outside, the chill you left is deep.

But I see you, here next to me, still.





Feeling the Futon

My friend Tarryn's daughter, Natalie playing on said futon.

The futon in my apartment living room is my mom’s.  She’s had it for years.  Every memory my sister, mom and me have had on this futon is worth more to me than the red linen cover with the abstract golden swirls of vine and flower.  But the best memory I’ve had on this futon, this broken, wooden framed beauty, is with myself only.  I run my hands over the cool, crimson cotton and it all rushes back into my brain, the smell of cool morning, the sunlight glinting in the mirrors hanging above my head, and the birds chirping just outside on the veranda.

That was the day I decided to write a book.  I had an idea (I later realized was actually probably not such a great idea) that I was determined to write.  I didn’t have a laptop at this point, so I sat down on the futon, opened up my journal and began to write in my messy, scrawling script.  A boy and a girl meet at an apartment complex, just like the apartments in which I was living with my mom just after senior year in high school.

That whole day was fresh and clean and crisp.  I sat there for hours in my tank top and shorts I’d worn to bed, my skin chilled and bare feet turning purple from the cold.  It was very early summer, the sun still timid to grace us with its full heat.  But I just sat on that futon for those hours until my mom got home from work.

“Erin, what have you been doing?  You’re still in your pajamas.”

“I’ve been writing”

That was the first look of absolute appreciation for my talent and dedication to writing I’d seen from my mom.  That was the day I realized that she really would support me in my pursuit.  I was probably hungry, but I don’t remember it.  Just the cool day and my hand aching from so many ideas flitting around in my head, waiting to be transcribed to the thick, cream pages of my journal.


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It is the end of the quarter, finals loom in the shadow world of next week, and for my class is voting on certain blogs of our classmates for certain areas/qualities.  It’s a bit like the Grammys (I’m assuming this is why my professor who also wrote a blog during this class named it the Bloggies).  There are six categories one can win in: Best Personal Blog, Best  Design/Visuals, Best Hobby/Specific Interest Blog, Most Improved Blog, Most Interactive Blog, and Blog “Most Likely to Succeed”.

These are my votes for each category and my reasoning behind each vote.  See if you agree with me.

For Best Personal Blog I’ve voted for When I Grow Up by my classmate Chelsea.  It’s stories of what she wanted to be as a child when she finally grew up.  We’re all technically adults in this class, and thus, I suppose, she has grown up.  It’s an extremely funny blog with many hand drawn illustrations (which I love, though they are not as present in her later posts).  It’s fun to read personal stories of her life in her blog, stories which it would take years to get out of her in person, I think.

The blog I voted for Best Design/Visuals was My Cat Thinks I’m Funny by Natalie.  Now, I know I’ve posted about her blog before in other class posts, but she just so happens to hold the title of favorite blog, so don’t judge me for redundant behavior.  Not only is her blog hilarious but the grey and black and white of her blog contrasts nicely with the neon purple titles, and is incredibly easy to read.  I absolutely adore it!

I voted for Hyperderby by Kristina for Best Hobby/Specific Interest Blog because it’s about a specific hobby of her’s (obviously) which she is very passionate about.  Her design and writing is nice and readable which just makes it that much better.  But besides the obvious reasons, I can hear her voice and her passion about roller derby with each word.

When I think Most Improved, I can’t help but want to vote for every blogger in my class.  We’ve all come so far in this class that I find this category the most difficult to decide and defend.  I’ve voted for Ursus Interruptus by my classmate Kyle, because, though I think his posts have been nothing if not random throughout the quarter, I think he’s done a good job at really narrowing his world down and defining everything he discusses and jokes about within his blog.  It was vague (if not slightly confusing) in the beginning, but I think he’s really pinned everything down and welcomed us into his blog with big bear arms!

Most Interactive was hard, too.  I’ve voted for Why Write? by my good friend Tom, because he really listened to what his readers said in their comments and posted things about questions and (ahem) comments they brought up.  What else could be said if not interactivity with a blog entitled with a question?

For “Most Likely to Succeed” I have voted for My Cat Thinks I’m Funny again, just because it is my favorite, for obvious reasons, and I think it speaks to the vast majority of college students and can only be described as hilarious.  I cannot help but laugh out loud (LOL, or Lawl) every time I read a new post.  Humor is one thing that will keep a blog going, just as long as she keeps her end of the deal up and keeps posting.

Memories are Strange, Aren’t They?

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Note to my invisible readers,

I’m going in a new direction from here on out.  I will be writing on memories.  Some posts may be poetry, some fiction, some nonfiction.  I find I am very reminiscent, especially lately, and so each post will be inspired or based on some memory I recalled that day.  Please be patient with me as I enter this new phase of my blog.  I hope you all love it.


“That One Song”

You know that ONE song that reminds you of a certain time in your life?  I have quite a few, as I listen to music almost constantly.  I was listening to a couple of my old playlists from last spring, to get pumped for this spring.  See what I was saying about being reminiscent?  Yeah, it’s pretty bad right now.  Anyway, a song came on which is one of my favorites, which I’m sure I haven’t listened to since that time.  It’s called I Luv Your Girl, by The-Dream–my friend Maya, yeah, it’s our song.  It is our song because after Spring quarter finals last spring, Maya and her roommate Jaime and I all stayed in town for a couple of weeks before going home to wherever.  Specifics come to mind: a few drives in my car, The-Dream blaring, more hangovers, a number of hours tanning in the sun, and many, many, many servings of hash browns fried in bacon grease.

They were possibly the most unhealthy two weeks of my life, but two of the best.  There was no drama because there was only us.  There was no one for her to ditch me for, no one I’d rather being hanging out with, no use in saying I was tired, because they’d come over anyway and it would start all over again.

So now every time I hear this song (I’ve been listening to it on repeat for the last two days) it reminds me of those two weeks, Maya, Jaime, hot, summer weather, and hours and hours of singing and laughter.


Mistletoe and Holly

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Green and red make the holidays

That’s what they say.

But for me it’s a little different.







I like the gifts, sure, but there’s something about the music,

The snow,

The air,

That make everyone want to get together,

Be with their family.

It was Christmas, once.

One time.

For me.

I was seven.

My whole family was around me,

Even Grammy who would die the next summer.

My mom bought my sister and I little baby perfumes–

The kind you spray on your dolls,

Except I didn’t like dolls.

Still don’t.

My sister and I got the same exact package–

Six little bottles with pastel color caps marking which was

which scent.

I remember the rose and lavender colors were my favorite.

They smelled like babies.

Those were my first makeup.

Most wouldn’t consider perfume as makeup–

It’s part of hygiene–you smell good, you have good hygiene.

But to me, these perfumes were the gateway drug of makeup.

I began collecting scents.

First the little plastic Calgene bottles at Rite Aid,

Then Bath and Body works.

Then real perfume.  I would ask for it for christmas.

I have more scents than anyone I know.

And more makeup than anyone I know, except professionals.

Except I don’t know any professionals,

So the statement stands.

My sister stuck with Bath and Body Works.

I’m a little bit more sophisticated,

So I’ve moved on to bigger and better (more expensive) things.

A Little Off Topic, I Know, But What is Literature, Really?

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Literature, just like art, is a very difficult concept to define.  We’ve come to the age where art is defined as pretty much anything that one creates.  A chair is art if the maker says so.  There are so many possibilities for art, and thus, literature, that we can’t truly disregard blogs and other online writings as literature.

I think the ability to gather and hold an audience is the most important trait of literature.  Just as if a painting has viewers and fans, so does a piece of writing.  Just because blogs are more accessible and, because of that, less exclusive, does not mean that they are not literature.  There is no secret club stating, “if you’ve written a piece of literature, you will get a letter in the mail inviting you to join us at our next monthly meeting.  Of course, this is secret, so don’t tell any of your other writer friends.  We decide what literature is.”Would you really want these angry men to decide whether you were writing literature?  Didn't think so.

Would we even believe them if they sent those?  I wouldn’t, that’s for sure.

I think popularity is absolutely a defining feature of a good blog.  I mean, it takes time, but you must blog to your readers.  If you start off with something people seem to like, stick with it.  And it’s definitely about advertising and playing to your strengths for sure.  The conversation between readers and authors is a great way to do this, keep on doing what those readers love.

I would say the travel blog which Kacie presented on obviously has an enormous following and is playing to his audience.  He’s had some insane experiences, and has been EVERYWHERE!  That is what his readers love about his blog, and that is what he will continue to write about.

A picture of Wandering Earl.  Ain't he a cutie?

In my own blog, I would like to reply more to comments made on my posts.  I would also like to post more than once a week.  I know, all you readers, that you would like to read more, and I’m so very sorry for the negligence.  I will try my utmost to post more often.  I realize, that if I posted more often, and actually had a conversation with you readers, my blog would steadily become more popular.  I know there’s a readership out there somewhere.

While the design is a little odd and strange at times, Alison’s blog ( be considered literature for sure, especially to me, a fanatical reader.  Dreams and sleep related things are exactly what I like to read about and humor just makes it that much better.  It is absolutely my favorite thing to read about.   If I find it interesting, I will read it and I consider it literature.  Readership is the main trait of literature.  If you’ve got a good readership, the more literate you work will become.

Alison's sleep habits: take a cat to bed, sleep better.

This is literature.  My work is literature, but it will become more so when and if my work gains in popularity.  And I don’t just mean my blog, I mean my work which will be in print soon, hopefully.  All are literature in my eyes.

The Beginning

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In the beginning, there was the word.

The one word my mother would say all the time.

Yes you can, yes you will, sure, of course.  Rarely was the word “no” uttered in our home.

One time, I used all the hot water for my bath.  “No, Erin!  Get out of the tub!”  That was one of the only times I heard that word.

I didn’t take it for granted, I promise.  When I told Mom during Freshman year of high school “I want to be a poet”, she replied with “Yes, Erin.  Whatever makes you happy.”

The drama and distractions of high school ensued just after that declaration.  Poetry was thrown to the back of my mind.  I focused on my painting, drawing, and pottery, realizing I needed some sort of creative outlet or I would go insane.  Well, at least more insane that I already was.

Then, in college, I decided to pursue my Creative Writing degree after realizing I couldn’t cut it in the art department.  I felt a lack of creative juices driving me mad, very, very slowly.  I turned to makeup, a friend I’d always been denied before college.  This was the one “no” I’d ever been given.  “No, Erin, you can’t wear makeup until you’re eighteen.”

It was like art on my face, that I could show everyone whenever I wanted.  I loved being able to mix colors and see how they look on my face, with certain clothes.  It sated my need for creation, kept me going.  Creation was still possible, even though not in the way I’d thought.

Then, I took Introduction to Poetry with Oliver.  It was the best class I’d taken in college, revealing a whole new world of writing and creation I’d never known before.

Oliver de la Paz. Read him.

Poetry was open to me again and now I couldn’t leave it alone.  Yes, I could be who I wanted to be again.  Yes, I could be anyone.

There was no one who could tell me who to be, and that’s the way my mother wanted it.

My mother would always say, yes, you can be that person.

There would always be that one word.


Out of the Blue…

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Yes, I know the title is a cliche.  As a poet, these things are obvious.  As a few of you know, this blog is being written for a class I’m taking in college.  In college (one and a half more quarters to go!  Woot!) I’m required to take so many 400 level English classes.  My Living Writers course is one of those and this is the blog I write for it.  There are many interesting blogs I’ve been reading (required by the course, yes, but also very interesting, I promise).  There are a few I find particularly wonderful and would like to share with you all.

One of my absolute favorites is, a blog of hysterical, if not highly awkward, instances and events in my classmate, Natalie’s, life.  If you’re looking to laugh your ass off, this is one to follow.  Her humor is sarcastic and she describes herself like so:  “I’m an idiot, and probably deserve to be in middle school. In fact, that would be nice, because my popularity actually peaked in middle school orchestra. No, seriously. It did.”  I’m not joking.  One of the funniest people I’ve read.  Read her blog.

Another is my good friend Alison’s blog,  It’s a blog…about everything.  It’s supposed to be about dreams, but just like Alison, she couldn’t resist telling us about other ludicrous events and thoughts that will have you falling out of your chair–whether from astonishment or laughter…or both.  Also, she illustrates some of her posts–very cute and probably from Microsoft Paint.  I’m definitely not bashing Microsoft Paint, as they make the blog even better.

Only one more, I promise.  If you’re interested in anything about writing (which I’m assuming you are, since you read blogs, and that’s generally the crowd that gathers) there is a great blog from another one of my friends, Tom.  His is an interesting read, mostly about writing and thoughts about such things.  He’s an unbelievably prodigious  fiction writer, and thus I am drawn to his non-fiction blog as well.  If you don’t read his blog, you’ll never know how to properly write.  (I’m totally joking there, but seriously, amazing-ness to be had).

I don’t mean to throw these out of left field, but as a writer I like to expose my readers to other great writers.  While none of these are even remotely similar to my blog, I think they are still worth reading.  Mostly you’ll just be dying of laughter, but you might learn a thing or two as well.  Enjoy, Blogsie people.

Water, Land, and Heaven

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Unintentional gathering of the gold of heaven and the green of grass, the  aquamarine of the oceans.  Glistening like light on water, feathering my hands with soft yearning, tempt me with wishes unknown–to be released on the world outside.  The golden-green gates, never guessing, always knowing.  Your time will come they seem to whisper to my subconscious mind.

Round and round my mind tries to captivate them in arcs of amber, in mirrors of emeralds.  Those enemy gates, waiting to swing open upon reality.  Is there a way to lock it?  The lush, diamond windows from my palace gaze longingly into the pit of my dappled yellow and crimson soul, always waiting for the opportunity.

He pulls it from within, reaching, grasping, gasping, grazing through the stained crystal portal.  The deathly passage past those golden bars whispers to mind of treasures waiting to be found, secrets to be unearthed.  I can’t help but be tempted.

Precious Metals

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Silver and Gold

Silver to line and gold to lift,

My vision surrounded by the preciousness we so crave.

Those shining jewels are encased in these;

These sought after tones.

Precious me,

Gift wrapped,

Encased in these;

These sought after tones of grey and yellow.

Everything will wither and die

But gold and silver will watch and listen

to the end of it all, that last, twitching exhale.


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Showing the world my face,

Not hiding a blotch,

A spot,

A blemish.

Back to normal after a week of crazy–starting over.

Just the zig zags of black,

The feathers around the orbs of my soul,

Protection against the pollutants in my world.

Maybe this way you’ll see me,

But that’s not true.

Skin, teeth, flaws, physicality,

But you overlook me.

The one you won’t comprehend.

See me bare,

See me naked.

I’ll show it to you, if you show me you.

Just bare.