Memories are Strange, Aren’t They?

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Note to my invisible readers,

I’m going in a new direction from here on out.  I will be writing on memories.  Some posts may be poetry, some fiction, some nonfiction.  I find I am very reminiscent, especially lately, and so each post will be inspired or based on some memory I recalled that day.  Please be patient with me as I enter this new phase of my blog.  I hope you all love it.


“That One Song”

You know that ONE song that reminds you of a certain time in your life?  I have quite a few, as I listen to music almost constantly.  I was listening to a couple of my old playlists from last spring, to get pumped for this spring.  See what I was saying about being reminiscent?  Yeah, it’s pretty bad right now.  Anyway, a song came on which is one of my favorites, which I’m sure I haven’t listened to since that time.  It’s called I Luv Your Girl, by The-Dream–my friend Maya, yeah, it’s our song.  It is our song because after Spring quarter finals last spring, Maya and her roommate Jaime and I all stayed in town for a couple of weeks before going home to wherever.  Specifics come to mind: a few drives in my car, The-Dream blaring, more hangovers, a number of hours tanning in the sun, and many, many, many servings of hash browns fried in bacon grease.

They were possibly the most unhealthy two weeks of my life, but two of the best.  There was no drama because there was only us.  There was no one for her to ditch me for, no one I’d rather being hanging out with, no use in saying I was tired, because they’d come over anyway and it would start all over again.

So now every time I hear this song (I’ve been listening to it on repeat for the last two days) it reminds me of those two weeks, Maya, Jaime, hot, summer weather, and hours and hours of singing and laughter.


About EEL

I'm currently a senior in University and done this Spring. I am a Creative Writing major, and to read and write poetry, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and anything along those lines.

3 responses »

  1. I think it’s great to allow the blog to evolve where your creativity takes you. And it’s interesting that the senses are playing such a strong role in all of this: the sense of smell (perfume) in the last post; hearing in this one (songs); and the sense of sight in the initial posts. The theme of the blog and/or your final project could be something like “Coming to my senses.”

  2. I know exactly what you mean! For almost every song on my ipod, I have a specific scene, person, or time of my life (some of them imaginary…) that I picture when I hear it.

  3. classywithatwist

    Little triggers are everywhere. For me it’s my clothes, I can associate some (semi) significant event with almost every event I own. Yet I rarely remember what anyone else was wearing, rather selfish of me I suppose.

    But I will always think of you when I hear Bottom’s Up by Trey Songz, drink cosmos, or when I order onions on my hashbrowns 🙂


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